Safety Pyramid vs. Rhombus or Conversed Pyramid shapes

We all know about Bird’s 1-10-30-600 ratio in a pyramid which was detailed in 1969, originally discussed on H.W. Heinrich’s book “Industrial Accident Prevention” in 1931. But pyramid shape can be changed into Rhombus or Conversed Pyramid. What does it mean?


-          Fatality + Couple of Major Injuries, Several near misses and Hazard reporting.

Conversed Pyramid:

-          Multiple Fatalities + Many Major Injuries, Less near misses and No Hazard reporting.

Good shape is Topless Pyramid which means Zero Fatality (top section of pyramid will be removed because it Zero), a few Lost Time Injury or Restricted Work Injury (if your company achieved Zero LTI or RWI, its perfect) and lots of near misses or hazard reporting.

If you want more info about Safety Triangle:


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