How to convince Boss, Peer Managers and Employees in Safety Issues?

If I speak with our Company’s Director, Peer Managers and Employees in same tone about safety issues, it will not work.

Boss has the biggest responsibility to run the company safer. If something goes wrong, he will be in charge of implementation of OHS acts and ultimately responsible for all employees. On training or during a chat, it’s okay to mention his legal obligation. But if you use this "scary tactic" too much, Boss will see you as “Freddy Kruger”. Remember: Don’t scare him too much.

I prefer to use what would be benefit when safety matter is done and give him bigger picture and vision which are aligned with Company’s mission & policy. Explain the profit of this safety issue for the company within 1 min to prevent wasting his time. Think & plan what you tell and how you tell, if there is any evidence and previous experience related to this safety issues, it will help to convince. For instance: “Our client and third party auditors are asking how we perform in occupational health and safety before any tenders. Last week, 2 clients were asking certification in ISO 45001 because they prefer certified contractor companies and currently we have minor disadvantage than the other bidders. If we are certified, it will tell what we have done and how long we’ve gone so far. A page of certification determines our Company’s reputation and commitment for Community and Employees which mentioned at our Policy, cost would be 1/3 of profit from one tender and certification will be kept for 3 years till next due diligence”.

Rule of Thumb: Nobody listens if it’s not profitable to his interest.

Peer Managers are more business plan oriented people and they have detailed plan to achieve annual target. If you explain, how it is beneficial for his target & daily or monthly plan and to support sustainable production, they will listen. Maybe your word to Boss was in big picture, so pound your words in their pictures. Words are being convertible. Remember: If you illustrate bigger vision to them like you did to your Boss, they will not interest in because it’s Boss’s interest, not theirs'.

Managers are representatives of employer, so they also have legislative obligation as well to care of their employees (a duty of care). Unfortunately legislative explanation is not effective for Managers.

What’s the most effective word for peer Managers is Boss’s word. If you convinced Boss effectively, he will deliver your message to Managers as own. For instance: I mentioned about Workplace Inspection (WPI) can be held once a week by every employees and its benefits for Company, Employee and Community. Boss took it very easily because this idea is achievable, measureable, and understandable. After a week later, on meeting Boss told to Managers “I want every employee make WPI every week because I know everyone has ability to identify the hazards. Our target is Zero Harm and everyone can contribute”. After meeting, I told to Managers “Hmm, Boss said at least one WPI a week, it’s achievable, can I help you my friend how to organize and train your employees?” which means I offered my help to Managers to fulfill Director’s message.

Employees don’t concern too much what “Company’s big pictures” are and his/her Manager’s detailed plan. They do care to finish daily job and arrive home to spend their time with families. “How to protect myself and keep working in longer time” for earning more money in the future to feed their family - these words reach them. It’s more effective to talk about their families and our employees are valuable and VIP person in their families, if a father or mother hurts how family future might be diverted or changed.


Ganjiguur Bukhbat