Corrective Action Report (CAR)

Corrective Actions are registered from Reported Hazards, Risk Assessments, Audits, Workplace Inspections, Incident Investigations, High Risk Permits and JHAs. How we chase up thousands of corrective actions?

We use Corrective Action Report that registers all actions and send corporate CAR to all Managers, Supervisors and Directors every Monday at 15:00-16:00pm to remind and report completed/incomplete corrective actions to prevent injuries or fix the gaps.

Is it necessary? Absolutely, yes - because we are not robots and can’t remember hundreds of corrective actions annually. If risk is not controlled, it would be root cause of accidents in the future. If gaps are not fixed, accident shall be repeated.

CAR can be used for as well:

  • Analyze at identified hazards and assessed risks during review of risk registry.
  • Training material.
  • Identification of benefits of hazard identification tools (Take 5, Hazard Report, JHA, WPI, Permit systems) – Which tool is not being used? Why? How to improve?
  • Survey on current and emerged hazards and risks, what risks are common reported and how broadly employees can see the risks…

Identifying hazard is 50% of hazard reduction program, rest of all is belong to how to take corrective action properly to control workplace hazard 100%.

Brief info: We have only 160 employees in main workshop (most of them, mechanics that fix mining heavy equipment and warehouse/parts employees) who reported over 850 hazards and risks in last 2 years and plus 100 heavy duty mechanics on Rio Tinto’s site Oyu Tolgoi project in Mongolia. HSE Team concerns pro-active indicators such as Metrics System, Efficiency of Hazard Reduction Program and Leading Indicators.

If people interest in our lagging indicators, we’ve worked over 550 (can’t remember exactly) days LTI free, over 300 days Medical Treatment Injury free, over 250 days First aid injury free… somewhere there… in main workshop.


Ganjiguur Bukhbat