Survival kit

Mongolia has 4 seasons and temperature ranges between -30 to +30 degrees of Celsius (-22F to 86F) on 1.5 million sq. meter territory. Average density is 1.92 people per Telecommunication signal doesn’t cover all territory, so we need Survival kit to travel out of cities to Client Mining sites.

Our survival kit contains: mobile gas stove, spare gas bottles, fork+spoon, cooking pot, emergency water, instant 4 noodles, nuts, biscuits, matches, candles, Swiss knif...e, battery jumper, sling (3tonn), spade, tire inflator, super glue (fluid steel), raincoat, safety vest, torch, space blanket, map, compass with mirror, 12V superchargers for cell phone. Plus Company provides Satellite phone, GPS, Emergency Response Plan, 2 boxes of water (12L), wool blanket for long range travel.

Sealed kit shall be opened only in emergency. Message to travelers: Stay on the road, do not leave your vehicle because vehicle (object) is bigger than you and it’s easily found. If necessary, burn your vehicle to stay alive or heat during winter.

When due contact is lost over 12 hours, we call to National Emergency Department to initiate rescue operation along the route…


Ganjiguur Bukhbat